Een paar kritische stemmen over bodycams

We verzamelden hieronder een paar artikels die op een kritische manier ingaan op de opkomst van bodycams. Zeker in het buitenland zijn ze in opmars, maar ook in België gaan steeds meer stemmen op die het gebruik ervan willen normaliseren.

Privacy Activists Fight Police Bodycams
Everyone wanted police body cams, but the new accountability tool raises numerous privacy and public records questions. – The Daily Beast, 23/02/2015

Mike Brown’s Law is a start, but police body-cams are no panacea for violence
Without changes to police conduct policy, norms and disciplinary actions, mandatory body cameras will never ensure victims get real justice. – Alexa Van Brunt, The Guardian, 27/11/2014

Growing use of police body cameras raises privacy concerns
Cases such as the Michael Brown shooting have led to calls to equip more officers with body-worn cameras. On the face of it, cameras documenting police misconduct could potentially prevent tragedies like Brown’s death, if cops are cognizant that someone’s watching the watchers. Unfortunately it’s more complicated than that. – Matt Pearce, Los Angeles Times, 27/09/2014

The police body-cam peep show: are you ready to give up your privacy, too?
It’s about time we recorded the cops. But when the camera’s rolling on everybody, can you really root out the bad? – Trevor Timm, The Guardian, 06/09/2014

Using Technology To Counter Police Mistrust Is Complicated – Elise Hu, NPR, 02/09/2014

Body Cameras And Law Enforcement – blogpost van Sean Bonner, 31/08/2014