Locatie » Université Saint-Louis - Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 43 1000 Brussel
Jaarlijkse civil society event in de aanloop naar de CPDP conferentie. Met beleidsmakers, academici én activisten die zich samen buigen over de bedreigingen voor onze digitale rechten. Thema dit jaar is
“Who controls (your) data, who controls the machines? These questions are at the very center of the debates surrounding the pending adoption of important EU-wide legislation, such as the review of the ePrivacy Directive, the smart borders package, the draft Regulation on dual-use goods and the latest filtering proposals in the draft copyright Directive.
Track 01 controlling data // topics: #metadata #onlinetracking #export #surveillance #accountability #UploadFilters
Track 02 controlling machines // topics: #IoT #InternetOfThings #algorithms #wearables #sharingeconomy #AI