Locatie » HSBXL Hackerspace Brussels - Rue Osseghem 53 1080 Molenbeek
During Software Freedom Day, Hackerspace Brussels will be celebrating the merits of Free software (free as in Freedom).
[11:40 – 12:10] Taking back control of DNS with Bind (AltF4)
[12:30 – 14:00] Configurer votre serveur gratuit sur un ancien ordinateur (zarev)
[14:10 – 14:40] FFglitch: when bugs become features (Ramiro)
[15:00 – 15:30] Using python to grab screenshots on page change (Erik)
[15:40 – 16:10] Getting creative with Krita (Akuma)
[16:20 – 16:50] How to get started with LMMS (music production) (Cedric)
[17:00 – 17:30] How to apply the free software or open source definition to an AI system (Ciarán)
Artists challenge
Food and drinks
Demonstration of small projects in the electronics lab
Play a FOSS arcade game