
Wat tonen bodycams? En wat tonen ze niet?

Interessant experiment over de manier waarop beelden van een bodycam op verschillende manieren geïnterpreteerd kunnen worden. What we see in police video footage tends to be shaped by what we already believe. “Our interpretation of video is just as subject to cognitive biases as our interpretation of things we see live,” Professor Stoughton said. “People disagree about policing and will continue to disagree about exactly what a video shows.” As such videos become more commonly used in court to either bolster or dispute the accounts of police officers, people must be careful how they interpret the footage, keeping in mind the cameras’...

Een paar kritische stemmen over bodycams

We verzamelden hieronder een paar artikels die op een kritische manier ingaan op de opkomst van bodycams. Zeker in het buitenland zijn ze in opmars, maar ook in België gaan steeds meer stemmen op die het gebruik ervan willen normaliseren. Privacy Activists Fight Police Bodycams Everyone wanted police body cams, but the new accountability tool raises numerous privacy and public records questions. - The Daily Beast, 23/02/2015 Mike Brown's Law is a start, but police body-cams are no panacea for violence Without changes to police conduct policy, norms and disciplinary actions, mandatory body cameras will never ensure victims get real justice. - Alexa...

Big Brother Watch en ACLU over bodycams

De Britten van Big Brother Watch schreven een uitgebreid rapport waarin de pro's en contra's van bodycams tegen het licht gehouden worden. Kort samengevat: Body Worn Cameras (BWCs) provide accurate evidence of an incident by creating a video and audio recording; depicting everything exactly as the police officer saw, heard, said and did. It is believed that BWCs have the potential to improve the accountability and transparency within police forces which could help to improve public and police conduct. BWCs could create more accurate evidence, leading to an acceleration in the time it takes to prosecute and convict criminals. Accurate...

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